About Taragápe (Jeremy Colbert)Taragápe is a name that implies cosmiccompassionate universal love. Through this energetic signature, Jeremy seeks to serve as a hollow vessel for diverse vibrations to emerge.Taragápe is an integrative journey through sound--utilizing the handpan, guitar, vocals, as well as native flute, kalimba, charango, harmonium, singing bowls, and more. Finely tuned musicianship and deeply contemplative compositions create a sonic environment for a relaxing reflective remembrance of inner essence.Jeremy is a true facilitator and space-holder, through and through.His passion and goal is to create a safe and solid container for those to drop into a deeper place of presence and authenticity, with themselves and with others, to allow for deeper sovereign reflective insight and healing to occur naturally. Music is always at the core of Jeremy's interpretation of how the natural and diverse energetics of this world play out, and will, along with the wisdom of nature, serve as the compass for all of Jeremy's offerings.Jeremy holds a degree in music education and has11 years of teaching experiencein 1:1 and group settings. He is acertified sound healer, as well as acertified integration coachto support those on the path of ceremonial and therapeutic Plant Medicines, or Earth Medicines--and facilitates and hosts retreats for those seeking to deepen their relationship with Earth Medicine.