CHANGE THE WORLD AND OPEN THE DOOR OF ENLIGHTENMENTAre you looking for Spiritual Truth, inner peace and a way to really make a difference in the world? Do you want to develop your intuition? Would you like to really use your innate healing powers? Do you want proper answers to the fundamental questions about why we are here, our true purpose and potential in life?King Yoga is the name we have given to the spiritual path of The Aetherius Society. The Aetherius Society was started in 1955 by Master of Yoga Dr George King to spread and act upon unique cosmic teachings given to Earth by highly-evolved alien intelligences we refer to as “Cosmic Masters”.Our purpose is to help as many people as possible to prepare themselves for the coming New Age. We do this mainly by radiating spiritual energy to improve world karma and raise global consciousness – often in direct cooperation with the Cosmic Masters.King Yoga is your opportunity to discover life-changing wisdom from other planets, ancient yogic practices that will help you realize your inner potential, and, most of all, powerful ways to uplift our world.King Yoga enables you to live every day with greater meaning and purpose, selflessly serve others in the light of truth, and know that you are an aspect of God – because God is all!Watch ourINTRODUCTORY VIDEO______________The Aetherius Temple in Barnsley is a unique, beautifully-designed sanctuary of worship and healing dedicated to the spiritual ideals of peace, freedom and enlightenment.Lovingly renovated over a period of several years, the vast majority of the work was carried out by King Yogis, many of whom donated hundreds of hours of time completely free of charge – motivated purely by the desire to be of selfless service to others. This has helped to ensure that the subtle vibrations of the building itself are conducive to enhancing spiritual awareness.As well as being the venue for talks, workshops and seminars, the Temple also serves as the venue for free Contact Spiritual Healing, World Healing Prayer Services, Mystical Divine Services, Commemorations of holy events, and Operation Prayer Power. These are some of the most sacred practices taking place anywhere on Earth – imbuing the Temple with an energy of profound inspiration.We look forward to welcoming you very soon!