LyriK Hunter, a current resident of Dallas, Tx, has been writing and singing, since a young age and performing consistently since 2020. LyriK's attempt to conquer stage fright and fear of public speaking turned into an unexpected blessing, early on, allowing her to spread, love, encouragement, and inspiration to the world, through her passionate delivery of words on both national and international stages and platforms!! Lyrik, is a published author, singer/Songwriter, Actress, Recording Artist, Host, Teaching Artist, Mentor, and full-time entrepreneur, often referred to as the "singing storyteller" or the "heart healer" by her peers. She is 1/3 of the Denton Black Film Festival's Poetry Slam 2024 Champion Team, S.I.P. (SISTAS IN POETRY), currently making their way through the DFW scene as a powerful dynamic trio. LyriK is known for shattering the walls of boxes and breaking barriers of what most say poetry should look like, by delivering riveting, vivid, transparent, and vulnerable expressions of all emotions, with a side of melodic vocals. Her ability to be authentic is proving daily, that even the most heartbreaking and darkest experiences in life, can still produce peace, love, & light! #PoetiKHealing is what she loves to calls it! A simple reminder, that there's healing in life's roller-coaster rides, as long as you dare to dream and never give up the fight!Visit her linktree site for more info/booking details: linktr.ee/lyrik_hunterIG/FB/TikTok : @lyrikhunter