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The Cognitive Positioning System of Mind ReMapping. – (Mind Meta-Engineering)
A Global Positioning System (GPS) for the Mind
Cognitive – The Mind – Consciousness & Awareness (masculine & feminine)
Positioning – Locations in Time that influence Frequencies in the Hours, Minutes, and Seconds in Life.
System – Quadrilateral Thinking which conceives the Past Present & Future in a Trinary system of Time. (3, 6 & 9)
ReMapping – Navigating Time using Emotions to locate ideal Thought patterns that can create and lead to your success.
Most people aren’t aware that Mind absenteeism, caused by distraction, means detrimental disconnects with Time. We grossly misapprehend, that what we cannot see, or touch, to be less valuable, but it is the influence of Time that is without physical structure, which is the most powerful force in Humanity.
Therefore, "Watch the Hours, take care of the Minutes, and the Seconds will build your Life."
The Hour is the overarching theme of Life from Past memories that creates the stage of Future experiences.
The Minute is how you Pitch intensities in life, in the Present.
And the Seconds, map their length as Timelines stretching from illusions of the Past to the Present, influencing pathways of the Future.
Your Mind is a Trinary System which is extremely sensitive to slight changes in Time, and thus, we must be overly cautious of How, When, Where, Why and Who we THINK of, because the slightest deviations can change the course of life dramatically.
Imagine a system of Thinking that can navigate the qualities in the Mind, ReMapping them towards an ideal life.
A system which combines the influence of the Present, to locate useful memories of the Past, which are then Mirrored in the Future, where your Emotions are continuums in TIME that can take you there.
If you had this kind of system, where would you take your LIFE?
Your Mind is the most powerful instrument of technology humanity will ever build for themselves.
Understand, that there is nothing that can surpass the Mind which only exists in the 4th Dimension, and I have engineered the basis of its Meta Framework, but there is far more work to be done.
Mind ReMapping is a system of 4-Dimensional Thinking which anticipates the best locations in 3 Dimensions of space in length, height, and depth, to first expand Time in the Mind as New and undiscovered shared Worlds, and then, it is down to us collectively to build versions of reality which attracts the right physics of Time in the 3rd Dimension, and this is power not meant for those who want it as a means of control.
Time in the Mind are gravitational fields influenced by 3 axes in physical Time, each axis of which is like an individual clockface that correlates to 3 Dimensions.
The continuums of Time are not straight lines as we are led to believe, they are instead flows that move outwards in opposite directions from the influence in the Presence of your every Thought, creating a Sphere which appears in your Imagination, that within them, is the Unimaginable.
The hours, minutes, and seconds on a clock are only in reference to Time’s enormous energy, which is absolute, which creates ANYTHING from within our Minds.
The reference to Time is the ratio of 3, 6, & 9, which navigates every molecule in our Life experience to create Time of the Future, as Nikola Telsa clearly discovered for himself.
The first rule. Stop Thinking, and reverse engineer Time into its deadly silence by Inverting Time into the Void, so you can understand your Mind, where I will guide you through the blindness of Consciousness.
We all have enough experience to build anything we want, and together we can combine our Mind’s to make it more powerful than we could ever Imagine.
Register for the Mind Inversion Class this week and get a free copy of my book: Mind ReMapping – ReDefining Emotions & the Imaginations Mirrors of Perception.
Meta Tcch Organica
Zagreb, 10000, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia