Mount Olive High School Air Force JROTC Booster Club Founded in August 2018 A non-profit charitable organization 501(c)(3), governed by By-laws 100% Volunteer Based (Primarily Cadet Parents and Family) No Annual Dues, we are 100% Funded by Donations & Fundraising Membership is automatic for any parent, guardian, or sponsor, over the age of 18, who has a cadet currently enrolled in the MOHS AFJROTC program. Is to support to our cadets and their instructors by providing encouragement, volunteering our time, and fundraising for the MOHS AFJROTC program. To help promote the activities of the program to the community. To promote goodwill and attendance at all MOHS AFJROTC program activities and competitions. To provide support and assistance in any other activities identified by Program Instructors.* Parent involvement and engagement is key to fulfilling our Purpose