Hi everyone! My name Ivy, and I'm a first-time mom in Scarborough to a little girl named Eleanor. When not on mat leave, I am a kindergarten French Immersion teacher. As someone who has struggled with mental health, and still does but with the proper help, it was important for me to stay healthy for my baby, and to be the best mom to her. To do this, I needed to go out with Eleanor and do things with her! Recognising the need for moms like me who didn't want to feel isolated, and were craving some connection and support, while also navigating motherhood for the first time, I began Scarborough Moms. What started out as a small following has now grown to a full monthly calendar of events that include visits to various attractions in the GTA as well as more intimate and casual gatherings with and without the kids. Join us at our events for new friends, meaningful connections, and the opportunity to create memories with your minis!