Coach D, the Freedom Architect and Activator of Human Potential. As an award-winning International Success and Business Coach, Coach D has dedicated her life to empowering fearless leaders to live and lead on their own terms. With a 3C addiction to chai, chocolate, and chat, she brings a delightful energy to every online and offline encounter.As a catalyst for change, Coach D specializes in helping impact makers activate their limitless potential and she guides them on a transformative journey towards self-expression, authenticity, and alignment with their life's purpose. Whether she's known as Coach D or the Freedom Architect, she's here to upgrade your identity, amplify your impact, and elevate your income.When she's not coaching and dancing with her three daughters, Coach D takes the stage as a captivating podcaster and speaker. She fearlessly interviews inspiring individuals from around the world, sharing their stories and insights with a global audience. Through her engaging platform, she strives to impact millions, empowering them to BE, DO, and HAVE whatever they desire.