We are a group ofmountain loverswho, growing up in nature and travelling abroad later, discovered the wonderoutside their own windows!With the aim of sharing these treasures, we have collected the besthigh beauty / low effortroutes withno technical difficultieswithin60-90 minutes ridefrom Milan to offerparticipants of any ageandfamiliesa full-day of breathtakingnature, Alpscultureand mountaingastronomy.Here is what each trekincludes:-user-friendlyweb platform to register and define in advance transfer pick-up and lunch menu;- multilingual certifiedtrekking experts;-minivan travelfrom Milan Darsena (8:00 am) and Porta Venezia (8:20 am);- local cuisinelunch break(entrance, main course, side dish, dessert, drink and coffee) in selected mountain restaurants;- many many points of interests to visit: charmingmountain villages, Alp’shistorical monuments, forestpaintingsandsculptures,panoramic viewson lake Como, lake Lugano… and much more!
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