We are a group of practitioners who study with the Modern Mystery School an ancient lineage-based mystery school. Our many years of study within this Hermetic Tradition have given us a wide scope of classes, healings, activations and empowerments to assist others to actualize their greatest potential of living life filled with purpose, fulfillment and joy.We offer a wide array of classes ranging from Max Meditation System, Spiritual Intuition, Sanctuary Meditation, Sacred Geometry classes, Astral Travel, Crystal Rites, Healing, Reading and gridding, as well as the two day Empower Thyself Program and Initiation.Our purpose and joy are to assist others in facilitating the healing and clearing of the blocks that limit their progression, offer tools that expand their awareness of their innate spiritual gifts and develop their connection with the highest aspects of themselves. Through this path of awakening and empowerment a person has the potential to embody their unique life purpose with unfathomable rewards.