Collin Gow, C.N.C.is acertified nutritional consultant,author,naturevore, andforagerwho has been working in the fields of health and nutrition for 14 years and researching for 23 years. Appearing on radio, television, Rumble, YouTube, Odysee, and in print, Collin does it all. As someone who has gone through his own health challenges, he has gained not only book learning, but crucial experiential knowledge and insights about natural foods, herbs, supplements, medicines, and lifeways so often lacking in conventional medicine.Collin has a holistic, scientific, personalized, and nature-based approach to health and healing. Besides writing books and working as a practitioner and consultant to real clients, he regularly spends hours foraging in the woods, or hours digging through scientific publications, medical journal studies, and the ethnobotanical and ethnomedicinal literature.Other Accolades:Certified in Advanced Plant Identificationthrough UF|IFAS ExtensionCertified in Wilderness First Aidand Epinephrine Auto-injector through NOLSContinuing education credits in Herbalismthrough the American Herbalist's GuildProduct expert certification from EuropharmaCollin's Books:Collin Gow, C.N.C.: Collected Works on Health and Nutrition, Volume 1 (2017–2020)Collin Gow, C.N.C.: Collected Works on Health and Nutrition, Volume 2 (2021–2022)Clinical Nutrition, COVID-19, and Long COVID (+ Vaccines, Graphine Oxide, Masks, and Other Viruses): Holistic, Scientific, Natural, Herbal, Nature-Based Immunity and RecoveryThe Night Before Winter Solstice: An Earth and Nature-Based Spin on a Christmas ClassicCollin Gow, C.N.C.: An Anthology of Artworks (2004–2020)