Dundee Heritage Trust is a registered charity formed in 1985, with the aim of'the guardianship, preservation, and portrayal of Dundee's heritage in ways that educate, inspire, and enlighten current and future generations'.The Trust operates two of Dundee's premier attractions, the Royal Research ShipDiscoveryand Discovery Point Antarctic Museum, and Scotland's Jute Museum @ Verdant Works, a restored jute mill. Both of our museums are fully Accredited, hold Recognised Collections of National Significance and are 5-star rated by Visit Scotland.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RRS Discovery| Made in Dundee | Designed for Adventure: www.rrsdiscovery.comClimb aboard the RRSDiscoveryand follow in the footsteps of Scott and his crew, see how they lived, what they ate and witness their hardship and their triumphs. It's a fascinating tale of one of the most heroic voyages of exploration ever undertaken and great day out for all the family.Verdant Works| One Mill | Many Stories: www.verdantworks.comHear the tales of the mill workers, see how they lived and worked in an industry which enveloped Dundee. Explore this amazing bulding, see (and hear!) the machines at work, and step back to a time where the Mills were the heart of Dundee..