It’s not entirely irrelevant that one of us swims in the Tyne every month of the year, or that that the others might be tempted to get in during a heatwave in July.But aside from that… started at a local hostelry in Wylam. Doesn’t it always ! We got to chatting and discovered that we all believe in the power of the arts to transform perspectives, enrich lives and bring us out of ourselves. Over the course of several beverages we started to wonder about the seasons and asked ourselves why nothing in particular seems to happen in the depths of winter to help draw us together. Why, when our forebears used to gather round the fireside to share stories and sing songs, do we no longer gather together to share our stories and encourage each other to be creative. Why is it that the sparkly lights all disappear on January 2nd? Why when people need it the most do we not have a bit of light and creativity to help us bridge the gap ’til Spring when all things awaken once again? Soon the vision for a community Arts Festival in late January/early February, based in our local village came to life.And so with a passion to bring a sense of shared community and celebration, Wylam Winter Tales Festival continues into its seventh year. Hoping to be the spark to ignite your imagination we have a range of arts events to help brighten things up at the darkest time of the year - an oasis of creativity and fun will once again emerge to see you through the doldrums after Christmas and the lull before the Spring. With something for all ages in a range of different venues, you can take your pick from music, art, film, dance and story telling ! Some events are free and the rest are very reasonably priced for all. Come along. Without you - our audience - it won’t be half as good !Annie, Gareth, Mary & Simon (Festival Directors)
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