My life has been a remarkable journey, filled with unforeseen moments that shaped me into who I am today. In 2019, I went through a severe depression where I felt lostand had no energy to live. In my quest for healing, I reached out to a Reiki practitioner. This interaction became a life-altering moment for me. Reiki illuminated my path,harmonizing my body, mind, and soul. Continuing my self-discovery journey, I stumbled upon the beautiful world of mandalas. Through drawing and meditating onthese symbols, I underwent a profound transformation. These mandalas became my compass to living in the present moment, effectively diminishing stress and anxietywhile infusing my days with renewed joy and purpose.Inspired by my own profound transformation and my desire to help others heal, I decided to create this Mandala Colouring Journal. This book seamlessly blends the soothing therapy of coloring with the introspective force of journaling. It is designed to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. As you immerse yourself on writing about your thoughts and emotions, and focusing on the geometric shapes of the mandalas you can experience a state of mindfulness and be fully present in the now.