In Lak'ech dear Human! My name is Loe. It’s nice to meet you again (from this lifetime or before :) I am a kundalini yoga teacher, life coach, and entrepreneur, living in Miami Fl.I am embracing my personality (being a modern woman), combining with the most powerful knowledge and tools that I learned and tried myself (during the last 17 years of my spiritual self-discovery journey) into the conscious events and retreats that I offer. I believe in Kundalini Yoga technology. Truly, this is everything you need to start living your Fullest Human Potential.Sharing Love, Mindfulness, Spiritual Awareness is my Mission. Offering you life changing tools is my duty. It's time to activate more people into a New Earth Consciousness. Creating a "Heart-Centered World" where more of us will Unite and live Happy, Healthy, Conscious and Abundant lives.I believe not in promoting, but in attracting. If you FEEL a warm feeling in your heart while reading this email - follow your heart, it always takes you in the right direction! I will be honored to meet you at one of my events in Miami.Let's make the World a better place with each sincere conversation, each Soul - Family gathering and each high vibrational event at a time!Please feel free to reach to me for any questions!Here to serve to your Highest Good.With Love and Respect, Loe