Scotland Hat Walk was founded in 2024 to put on an annual event to create a free event and gathering of milliners, hat enthusiasts, fashion students, families and pets who all love to strut their stuff in beautiful hats.An Association of award winning milliners including Lisa Jones and Leanne Cairns ( co-Founders ) and newly appointed members Jo Hills, Emma Mitchell and Joss Hindmarsh are all striving to put on an event to attract people to come along and fight the fight for fundraising for Brain Tumour Research whilst reviving their industry, a heritage craft of millinery and hat design with education , a fun day out and to encourage a love of hats in Scotland. With strong links to London Hat Week and collaboration with World Hat Walk , Scotland Hat Walk is sure to bee seen on the global stage this 27th April as hat wearers across the world all walk on the same day. Last year seen 27 cities across the world take part including Dunfermline.