Mardi Michels is a full-time French teacher to elementary school-aged boys and the author ofeat. live. travel. write- a blog focusing on culinary adventures near and far. She has lived and worked as a teacher in Australia (where she was born), Hong Kong, England, France and now calls Toronto home. She has spent nearly every summer over the past decade in France, honing her cooking and baking skills, touring different wine producing regions and in 2014 she and her husband purchased an historic home in South West France which they operate as avacation rental property.As part of her job, she runs a cooking class twice a week for 7-14 year-old boys,Les Petits Chefsand Cooking Basics. Mardi is a contributor to Food Network Canada and in her spare time teachescooking and baking classesaround Toronto. Mardi's first cookbook ,In the French kitchen with kids,was published in July 2018.