Alka Chopra is a Registered Dietitian, a Certified Diabetes Educator and a selfcare advocate. Alka’s career has spanned from education, research, corporate, management and clinical. For the past 10 years she has been in the clinical space focusing on individuals living with chronic disease. All through her career and in personal life Alka noticed the “selfcare” piece missing in people’s lives leading to frustration, self doubt, discontent & low self-esteem. To begin, with Alka has gone through this cycle in her own life. Now in her dietetic practice and personal life she teaches people how to change their mindset & misconceptions of selfcare by incorporating selfcare with tiny habits one week at a time. Alka’s selfcare system is an inclusive approach that takes into consideration the pillars of wellness i.e physical, social, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, environmental & financial and occupational.