I was a single mom for 16 years, homeschooling my children from 1st grade to 12th grade. I now run a business which has taught me many things. I want to share with Single parents the things I have learned but provide other networking tools and introduce people that can help them in their journey. This is Christian based though not church based. And the single parent does not have to be a Christian to benefit from the single parent events that I post here. Other business leaders present their businesses and give encouragement to Single parents who work a job or business. I want to encourage the Single parent to create a community that would encourage them in faith, business and parenting.I was nominated for the 2022 Mother of the Year for Idaho.Here are a few quotes from my recommendations:"I know Nek'ka as my mother and sometimes as my pastor. My mother named me Camille, which means helper.From her, I learned how to commit to lending a helping hand through volunteerism at church and in the community.""Nek'ka has been an advocate for single mothers from low-income families by offering financial wellness courses,...""She has opened her home and heart to many and helped them mend spiritual and wellness issues. Oftentimes, I am recognized asNek'ka's daughter instead of by my name, because of the direct and immediate impact she has made on our community."********"She is a passionate advocate of parents in general and single parents in particular. As a woman charged with the sole responsibility of raising two daughters on her own, she experienced firsthand the many challenges facing those in that position. At a time in her life when many would breathe a sigh of relief that this part of their story is over, Nek'ka has instead chosen to use the skills she acquired along the way to mentor and encourage others."*********"Nek'ka is a person with unparalleled integrity and deeply held convictions. She can be counted on to keep her word and is faithful and reliable in all ways." "As I've grown to know her history and the obstacles that she has overcome, it only impresses me more with all that she has achieved and her hard-won success. Her ability to "rise" and to model that for her daughters is an inspiration."