Marilyn Metz, Founder of Star Sound Baths,is a Certified Sound Bath Practitioner and Yoga Teacher. She has a background as a musician and teacher, starting her college career at Berklee College of Music in Boston, before finishing her music degree at Columbia College Chicago in 2019.After discovering how transformational contemplative practices like yoga and meditation can be, she decided to attend Zen Yoga Garage's 200 Hour YTT program and became a Certified Yoga Teacher. She studied under several of Chicago's top leaders in the yoga community.Combining her skill sets in yoga/meditation with her expertise in music, she knew she wanted to help others through the modality of sound and took a course of study to become a Sound Bath Meditation Practitioner.Her guiding philosophy is rooted in inclusivity, empathy and creating healthy communities for like-minded people to connect and thrive."It's a huge honor, always, to hold space for others to show up exactly as they are, honor their body and their emotions, and create an environment that they can feel a sense of relaxation and release," tells Marilyn.To keep in the loop on upcoming Sound Baths, Meditations and Yoga Classes,follow Marilyn on Instagram: @StarSoundBaths