Everything in the universe is vibration, our emotions, our thoughts are vibrations. We have the power to keep our vibrations at a positive level and raise them to reach higher dimensions of consciousness and to be closer to the Divine Source within us, to the Divine Source in Universe. Emotions such as fear, grievance vibrate at a very low frequency, while love, joy, and gratitude vibrate at a much higher level. In Naomha OM Circles we work on keeping our positive vibrations by meditating, creating, singing, dancing, sharing, healing, connecting to the elementals, talking to spiritual guides, spirits, celebrating our ancestors, expressing unconditional love, sending gratitude to the Universe...We also send love to our planet to help raise our vibrations, our spiritural awareness to reconnect to our sacred nature and see ourselves for who we truly are, Powerful Divine Beings in a physical body.We are one with Earth, how we treat ourselves, it's how we treat Earth.https://www.instagram.com/naomha_om/?hl=fr