Welcome to those seeking to find peace with change and venture out into the unknown with more confidence!I have been creating learning programs and coaching individuals in the corporate world for over 20 years and created AliBSummers to assist individuals in creating change that aligns the heart and soul. It is my passion to bring relevant knowledge and tools to a place where people can receive and absorb it as we are living in rapidly changing times. We need to become comfortable and confident in uncertaintyI have discovered that energy alchemy (raising your unique vibrational signature) helps to create and maintain what you are seeking and one on one coaching helps to build routines and practices to sustain the growth indefinitely.I love to help those who are ready for a change, who may feel stuck in their life direction, career, relationship, state of health/wellness, or questioning their next best step... to learn to live comfortably and confidently in the unknown and manifest the life they may not even have dreamed of yetThe events I host will help you lean IN to the unknown to create the confidence to make changes to your life.I am also a mother, wife, friend, dog and cat mom, mostly vegan, accredited yogi, avid reader, lover of travel, star seed, and someone who practices what I teach.I look forward to growing and soaring with you!