South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve is a protected estuary and natural area located on state-owned land in the Coos estuary on Oregon’s southern coast. It is managed in partnership by the Oregon Department of State Lands and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.The first of 30 National Estuarine Research Reserves around the nation, South Slough Reserve is a leader in improving understanding of estuaries and coastal watersheds. The Reserve manages and studies nearly 7,000 acres of natural area, including open water channels, tidal and freshwater wetlands, riparian areas, and forested lands. A portion of this area includes waterways, trails, and a visitor center that are open to the public.Research and stewardship projects conducted by the Reserve contribute to cleaner, healthier surrounding coastal waters and inform coastal management practices throughout the world. Additionally, the Reserve provides educational programming for adults and students and training for coastal decision makers.Land AcknowledgementSouth Slough Reserve is located on the traditional lands of the Miluk Coos people who have managed these lands for abundance since time immemorial. We recognize the continued connection of the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians, Coquille Indian Tribe, and Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians to these lands and waters and the Tribes' ongoing stewardship of this important place