Sonya Jason, founder ofSpirit Tribe Music, is a professional musician, wisdom teacher, shamanic counselor and ceremonialist. Her work masterfully empowers each person’s innate connection with spirit for guidance and healing. Sonya plays Native American wood flutes, frame drum, conch shell, gourd rattles and chakapa (Peruvian leaf rattle) to create powerful, moving ceremonies, healing meditation music and insightful shamanic journeys.~~~~~~~~~~~~This video is a taste of the work we do in our sacred circle: https://youtu.be/D3ro1pPvXJQ~~~~~~~~~~~~Jazz saxophonist and multi-instrumentalist, Sonya Jason has made her living as a performer, recording artist and educator since 1985. She delights in offering her musical gifts as an expression of her deeply spiritual outlook on life. For well over three decades, she maintained a Buddhist meditation practice before fully embracing the ancient spiritual path of Shamanism. She is a member of Michael Harner's Foundation for Shamanic Studies where she participates in the world’s foremost training programs in core shamanism. Sonya has also studied intensively with Sandra Ingerman, world renowned teacher of shamanism, as well as Andean Medicine Man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona and Dr. Alberto Villoldo of The Four Winds Society.~~~~~~~~~~~~A portion of proceeds fromSpirit Tribe Musicevents are currently being donated to the local Muchia Te' Indigenous Land Trust (MuchiaTeILT.org) to support the cultural revitalization of the Rammaytush people. As an inaugural member of the Lakota People’s Law Project Unity Circle, Sonya has also donated a portion of proceeds fromSpirit Tribe Musicevents to the Lakota People’s Law Project (LakotaLaw.org) which partners with Native communities to protect sacred lands, safeguard human rights, promote sustainability, reunite indigenous families, and much more.