Janet Drake (owner ofBody Mind as One) here to introduce myself.I am qualified Yogalates, Somatic Education Coach and QiGong teacher.I uphold the absolute importance of self-care and that it is possible to live a healthy and contented life no matter ones age.Therefore I am constantly looking for ways by which I can achieve this and, if what I discover works for me, then I am driven to share & show how to others can experience the same.In 2023 I discovered the power of Forest Bathing and how this amazing practice connects us back to nature and to ourselves - the ultimate of self-care!I embarked on theNature and Therapy UKtraining, based in Dartmoor, to become a Forest Bathing Practitioner.I am fortunate enough to have permission to lead Forest Bathing sessions in wonderful private woodlands located south-ish of Hadleigh, Suffolk.