We strive to work towards intersectional anti-racism, create space for food justice work, createmeaningful collaborations, build equity, cultivateliberation, and ensure access to local food, art,and education.In our weekly market we buy fresh produce, eggs,and when available meat & dairy from local andregional farms. We use an online CommunitySupported Agriculture (CSA) model to sell thatproduce to our community, but we also offersponsored boxes to people in need in ourcommunity. They can sign up weekly or monthlyfor these sponsored boxes and not pay a thing!They get our $15 veggie bags & $5 eggs which isreally a value of nearly $60 in a commercial store.We also work with BLM Btown to serve Blackfamilies in our community with the same CSAbags giving them some food security with healthynutrient dense food.Our weekly market draws people to buy from ourshare table of all of our farmers which savesfarmers time, hassle and money getting theirproduce to customers. However farmers arewelcome to set up each week alongside our hotfood and artisan vendors. Who we provideentrepreneurial space for small businesses togrow. We host pop up events, cultural events,holiday and seasonal events all to enrich ourcommunity and give opportunities to our farmers,artisans and small businesses.We are truly MORE THAN A MARKET