The BTS is a congregation of heavenly bound brethren, united in the love of Christ and supportive to one another. At RCCG BTS, Den Haag, everyone is welcomed and peculiar irrespective of race, gender or status in the society.Our ministerial team is composed of anointed men and women of God, filled with the Holy Spirit, who minister the word of God with humility, passion and with signs following (Mark 16:17-18). At the BTS parish, the focus of our teaching and preaching is Jesus Christ, because He is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrew 12:2). So, the BTS is the right place to be to grow more and more in Christian faith and in the knowledge of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and of the Kingdom of God (Matth 6:33).Therefore, whether you live in/around the Hague or you are visiting, you are welcomed to be our guest at the BTS parish, Diamanthorst 187, 2592 GD, Den Haag or you join our livestreaming via YouTube rccgbtsdenhaag from 10.00 hour CET every Sunday morning. We also hold midweek services at 7.30 p.m. CET every Friday via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 874 9177 1803, Password: 029201). Our extra-ordinary Power Night holds every third Friday of the month from 7.30 p.m. CET; this is a combination of face to face at the Church auditorium and online livestreaming on YouTube channel rccgbtsdenhaag.