Yoshiko Takeuchi is originally from Japan and has been teaching cooking for nearly 20 years both in Japan and Australia. She previously worked as a chef for over 10 years at various restaurants including world famous restaurant " TETSUYAS" and studied nutrition at a collage in Sydney,She is an expert teacher of healthy vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free cooking as well as both traditional and modern Japanese cooking.Her unique healthy cooking classes have been featured in several TV programs such as " The Biggeset loser", newspapers and magazines.Check Yoshiko from The biggest loser from https://youtu.be/-2OizdnQMIoShe is also an author of " Top 3 Japanese superfoods for natural weight loss", " Japanese superfood cooking " and“ Cooking with soy”Yoshiko has life-long passion for food and health. She believes that we really are what we eat and loves sharing her knowledge about health, cooking techniques and recipes with others in as many ways as possible.