Shannon van Staden is an accredited Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Bowl Master Sound Healer, a Yoga Alliance teacher specialising in yin yoga, a meditation teacher and Chi Nei Tsang healer. Shannon aspires to share holistic wellbeing to help you live your most meaningful life. She believes the deep healing of harmonic sound is ideal for the times we are living in. She has established the first Crystal Tones sound temple in the heart of Europe, Brussels. Shannon has developed with Lama Brian Hilliard, The Power of Sound Healing trainings, gives workshops, private and group sessions and guides you to find your crystal healing bowls in the Sound Temple.Why Crystal Singing Bowls?We were captivated by the purity and clarity of their sound. The resonance of alchemy crystal singing bowls is tangibly felt in the body. The vibration of pure sound mixes with our psycho-physical being. That movement of sound is electric, the body is electric, the two mix, and something happens. There is healing, balancing, and this happens just through our being present with the bowls and their ever-changing soundscapes.Communication Beyond WordsWhether you believe in a system of chakras or energy centers of the body, a bio-physical field around the body, in the crystalline nature of the body itself, or even just feeling good, the bowls respond to you with profound communication. Our personal feeling is that it is enough just to have the feeling that you and your world are by nature pure. The bowls, being nearly 100% crystal, are symbols of purity, and actuators of purity, basic health and healing. Pure sound and pure/impure being mix and resonate together in harmony.The bowls are alive and mirror our existence as humans. Not only are the bowls comprised of over 99.99% pure crystal, they are also over 95% space. Their mostly empty nature means that there is limitless potential for expanding pure vibration. Our interaction with them through playing and listening becomes non-dual oneness through harmony.The Sound Bath HealingOur approach to performing sound bath healings is to begin the session by acknowledging our disturbances : emotional, physical, feelings of separation or loss. Feeling our disturbances (or disharmony) is the starting point for healing, as it is in meditation practice. We open ourselves to ourselves, bringing light to our shadow sides. Then we are available to the clear light energy of our true being, which is reinforced by the clear-light harmonic sound of alchemy crystal. We can experience a profound relaxation.