Welcome to the 34th AnnualPacific Rim Whale Festival!March 18-26, 2022Every March, spring splashes into Canada with the Pacific Rim Whale Festival!On Canada’s Pacific Rim, the month of March means a farewell to winter storms and a welcome back to the Pacific Rim Whale Festival – the official kickoff to the beginning of the whale watching season.The shores of coastal Tofino and Ucluelet witness the annual migration of over 20,000 Gray Whales on their 13,000km journey from the waters of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula to the Bering Sea – the longest migration of any mammal. In its 34th year of celebrating this migration, the Pacific Rim Whale Festival educates the young and young at heart about these mystical creatures, and coastal life with over sixty events in our spring festival to enjoy!Many of the events arefree of charge– with the purchase of an PRWF Events Button ($5 ea). The featured events range from children’s fairs to culinary competitions, First Nations culture to hands-on coastal wildlife education with great speakers.For more information on Festival Events,click here.
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