Association of Comic Artists (Singapore)ACAS is a place where comic, manga and graphic novel lovers of all persuasion can be found. We publish original comic works and hold weekend courses at our studio that have been running for close to ten years. We share knowledge in schools and colleges, and also extend to the corporate workplace with team building workshops and commissions that cover everything from strip cartoons, to full blown marketing campaign comics and conceptual art. We are forever engaging with the public, hosting in public traditional and digital demos, as well as accepting art commissions in everything from caricatures & cartoons, to manga, superhero and movie franchise characters.Stand Up CATCStand Up CATC was co-founded in 2018 by comic artist and publisher, Jerry ‘Judge’ Hinds.
As president of the Association of Comic Artists (Singapore) - comic as in comicbooks... not
stand up comics - Jerry had a great reason for marketing the association via comedy.
Because, back in the middle ages, court jesters were most popular. These advanced to being
drawn as caricatures. Then quirky images quickly became one panel comics. Multi-panel
comic strips arose from here.
And eventually... a comicbook. hence the term, ‘The Funny Books.
The rest, as they say... is indeed, history... :)Get tickets to some of the best live comedy shows in Singapore featuring local & international talent! Comedy shows made highly affordable with our CATC Comedy Passes, find out more at ourwebsite.Also home toThe Unfiltered Podcast, that drops weekly episodes on the latest social & trending news.