We are a new non-denominational, diverse Church. We thrive on helping people realize that not only does God love them, but we do too.CFACC is a friendly group of believers whoLOVEtheLordwith all of ourheart, soul,mindandstrength.We are theFaceofHeavenhereonEarth!This means, it matters not where you’re from, what you look like, what your economic or social status might be; our desire is to create aGENUINEatmosphere ofLove,KindnessandFriendship.In Revelation 7:9, John says that he saw a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language standing before the throne and the Lamb.We are building relationships to enhance Christian growth in our homes, schools, workplace and community. We desire CFACC to be a place where you will not onlyheartheWordofGodbut you willseetheWordinaction.God has calledPastor Charles, the avid SPORTS fan with an enormous sense of humor, to share His Word in a very unique and simple way. You will be touched in your Spirit by the Word and your funny bone by its delivery. The Bible tells us in the book of Proverbs that a merry (joyous) heart does good like medicine.God is calling for a people who look like Him (on the inside); who GENUINELY love people for who they are; just as they are. CFACC has answered that call. We are currently meeting at the Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce 350 S. White St., Sundays at 12:30 pm. We invite you to come worship with us.
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