Get to know your Freaky Facilitators!Compasha MamaCompasha Mama, Angel of Radical Compassion is a ceremonialist, compassion coach, & intimacy guide who specializes in facilitating embodied liberation with patience, grace, & humor. She guides both individual and group transformation through ceremonial initiations, radical emotional intimacy, & saucy self-love reclamation. Her trauma informed, somatic focused background consists of several certifications in healing modalities & subconscious reprogramming techniques including: The Emotion Code, Theta Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique, Attunement Therapy & 2 years of Somatic Embodiment Studies.For the first 30 years of Compasha’s life she experienced a very dark and lonely path in relationship to her sexuality. 8 years ago she started her journey to reclaim her erotic innocence. She started working with high level sex & relationship coaches, mentors, and healers to address her sexual trauma. During that time she deeply devoted herself to several healing paths including somatic therapy, conscious BDSM, breath work, theta healing, Orgasmic Meditation, Qi-gong, family constellation, & energy work.Now Compasha helps people become more sensually embodied & confident in their communication. She teaches people how to create their own sense of safety & experience a more consistent communion with their pleasure. She’s also passionate about supporting people to embody greater sexual sovereignty & self respect, assisting them to reclaim their agency to say no to what isn’t aligned & to move towards what is.Since sexual trauma is the root of her deepest struggles & greatest suffering, and sexual reclamation has been the most liberating conduit for her healing & empowerment, she feels deeply honored to support others to reclaim their sexual life force energy to heal & empower every aspect of their life. Her greatest prayer is to support people in utilizing their sexual energy as a source of regenerative fuel & creative inspiration to fulfill their divine purpose .Nathan CouryNathan Coury is a community builder, creative visionary, spiritual mentor, channel rapper, and just all-around a cool dude dedicated to creating spaces where sacred play, nourishing connection, and personal empowerment thrive. In addition to owning two successful local restaurants with a human-first approach, he dedicates his time to facilitating impactful conscious community events with the Middle Finger Mantras men’s community and Higher Self Friendly spiritual community.He’s traversed the full spectrum of spiritual study including yoga teacher training, Vipassana meditation, 50+ Ayahuasca ceremonies, energy healing certifications, Akashic Records apprenticeship, and a variety of spiritual mentorship. He’s also devoted himself to intensive sexual and shamanic study including Orgasmic Meditation, the International School of Temple Arts (neotantra), and the Deer Tribe (native american shamanism).Answering his calling to sacred leadership as a tantric priest, Nathan began facilitating platanic cuddle parties for his local tantra community and is excited to continue evolving and expanding his deeply nourishing and transformational offerings with his well-loved grounded yet playful spirit. Nathan is passionate about creating safe, brave, sober spaces for people to experience the profound healing power of Vitamin HC (human connection).Nathan’s vision is to help create a world of harmonious human relationships, ecstatically weird self expression, unbridled laughter & play, and collective liberation of humanity into the next evolution of cosmic sacred freaky fun for all beings.