Yoga in it's true essence means to yoke together or unite. This unity or alignment is also of the body, mind and spirit. Thus the mind which is scattered or dissipated is brought together, with the techniques of yoga. My name is Sheryl, and I have been a practitioner of this beautiful path for more than a decade. My personal journey started with a meeting with Sri M in the year 2000, who is my spiritual Master and teacher. The Yogic path has had a tremendous impact on me and my way of life. I have taught Yoga in face to face and online sessions since 2011.I am an Internationally Certified Results Coach, trained in Mental Health First Aid and currently completing my course certification in Brain Based Coaching, with the aim of integrating Yoga, Mindfulness and Brain Science to help maximize human potential, with a neuro-scientific approach. I facilitate mindfulness sessions for working professionals in the corporate environment and currently hold monthly events at Soul Space where anyone interested or curious and come and experience Yoga Nidra and much more through my immersive sessions.Come and join in creating the Ripple Effect of Goodness.I'm in , are you?