René Bahloo is a qualified installation artist, facilitator and project coordinator, with a special interest in thepractice and philosophy of basket weaving, using natural plant fibres. She shares her knowledgethrough weaving circles and facilitates grassroots journeys to remote Indigenous Australian andAfrican communities, for deep connection to land, culture, healing and traditional weaving. Renéalso collaborates with Indigenous weaving elders to create large scale pieces and experiences of intercultural connection through weaving. She has presentedat a number of conferences and been involved as a lead artist in Floating Land Environmental Artevent in Noosa, Australia, and has made sculptural works for festivals and competitions. Rene’spassions stem from her experience of Australian Indigenous culture, leading to doctoral studiesbased on Indigenous culture, women’s business, creativity and weaving journeys to wisdom. Hergoal is for us all to weave our world into a better place, to weave ourselves in healing andwellbeing, to weave our environment with passion and purpose.