MavX provides in-person training events for solopreneurs, freelancers and small businesses to help them grow their businesses, acquire new clients and increase revenue by leveraging LinkedIn. These training events help YOU win on LinkedIn!MavX events are…Interactive - So you can ask questionsPractical - Key Action Points for you take awayResults-Focused - So you can get resultsOur Social Selling Masterclass is the ultimate masterclass for solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and business owners. Since 2018, we’ve equipped over 200,000 professionals with the tools to generate consistent revenue, expand their reach and win new business.In the fast-changing world of social, we’re always leading the way. Our events share what’s next on the platform, focusing on the latest changes and how to leverage them. As we get ready for our next event, our dedication to quality stays strong. You can look forward to lots of practical tips and actionable advice. This doesn’t only make your skills better but also gives real results for your sales efforts and online presence.