

MINNESOTA DEAF MUSLIM COMMUNITYEnriching lives & Empowering SoulsThe Minnesota Deaf Muslim Community (MDMC) is committed to ensuring effective access to communication, education, and resources for individuals who are Deaf, Deaf Plus, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing which will lead to overall self-sufficiency and a better quality of life. MDMC seeks to empower underserved members of the community by increasing access to employment, job skills, leadership skills and entrepreneurship opportunities. As individuals increase their skills, they will train others in need. MDMC provides access to community resources through the use of American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters. MDMC provides Alternative Literacy Support in a variety of settings, including educational and work settings, which gives clients explicit access to written English. This organization has been established to provide relief to Deaf, Deaf Plus, DeafBlind and hard of hearing individuals who are underprivileged and underserved and to defend the rights of those individuals as secured by law.


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