六式碼學會於2003年正式成立,是香港第一間專門提供六式碼課程的非謀利機構。開辦10餘年來,學會一直致力於推廣六式碼並開辦各種有關六式碼的課程、活動及交流。除此之外,學會也與不同地區的大學、院校及專業團體合辦課程和活動,並協助多間公私營機構進行內部培訓,致力為推廣六式碼應用而努力。並為所有六式碼專才提供專業資格註冊及考試服務以肯定其資格。如欲了解更多,請瀏覽:http://www.ssi.org.hkSix Sigma Institute (SSI) is the first non-profit organization in Hong Kong specially providing Six Sigma Trainings, registrations and examinations to recognize professional status of Six Sigma practitioners. During 10 years since officially established in 2003, SSI has always been dedicated to promoting Six Sigma concept and opening courses, activities and seminars. The SSI also works closely with universities, colleges and professional bodies in organizing courses or events and assists a number of public and private institutions having in-house trainings. SSI has been committed to the promotion of Six Sigma application and provides registration of professional qualifications and examinations for Six Sigma specialists to recognize their qualifications.For more details, please visit:http://www.ssi.org.hk
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