Full address only visible to attendees
42500, Telok Panglima Garang, Selangor, Malaysia
✨🌎Welcome to our monthly KL CEO DAY and have a big shoutout on Dec 2023. We will have KL CEO Day's strategic sharing with young talents and business owners on how to revolutionize business tech web 2.0 towards web 3.0 into the new era of Internet Technology (IT).
🚀💡These talks were geared towards developing joint educational programs and skill-building opportunities, crucial for the burgeoning digital sectors. Aiming to gather like-minded entrepreneurs to share their perspectives about the big leap of the future world.
Come and join our sharing session!
📅 Date: 15/12/2023 (Friday)
🕒 Time: 2pm-4pm Or 7.30pm-9.30pm
📍 Spot: Eco Sanctuary, Residence Clubhouse
🪄 PIC Contact Number: Revonne 011-24340988
🎟 Entrance Fee : RM20 (For Non Qtrepreneur CEO)
**Session will be conducted in Mandarin.
✨🌎我们热切期待即将到来的12月份 KL CEO Day!这次我们举办的 KL 举办的线下 CEO Day,但我们秉承的理念依然不变。QTrepreneur DAO 始终坚信,随着时光的推移,为了持续拓展的企业,必须将『科技』与『金融』相融合!我们将引领您的企业走向Web 3.0的未来!🚀✨
💼 商务交流环节
🌐 区块链科技如何改变企业的未来
🌍 Qtrepreneur DAO 社群简介
1. 中小型企业老板
2. 刚创业的人群
3. 企业/HR顾问
4. 准备上市的公司
5. 想要探索 Web3.0 科技 对企业的应用
甚至有机会和你一起 #共创马来西亚新经济 !🎉💪
📅 日期: 15/12/2023 (Friday)
🕒 时间: 2pm-4pm Or 7.30pm-9.30pm
📍 地点: Eco Sanctuary, Residence Clubhouse
🪄 PIC 联络号码: Revonne 011-24340988
🎟 入场卷 : RM20 (For Non Qtrepreneur CEO)
#web3.0 #businessnetworking #共享资源 #共享人脉 #共创价值 #共享盈利
The entrance ticket is non-refundable.
Full address only visible to attendees.
42500, Telok Panglima Garang, Selangor, Malaysia