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ANMF (Vic Branch) works tirelessly to improve members’ wages and conditions and their ability to provide high quality care to patients, residents and clients.ANMF (Vic Branch) has a membership of more than 100,000 nurses, midwives and carers employed in a range of health services including hospitals, aged care, community health, mental health, maternal and child health, medical clinics, prisons, the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood and Bolton Clarke.ANMF (Vic Branch) is committed to providing an opportunity for its members to discuss professional issues and undertake research in the pursuit of nursing and midwifery excellence and improved patient outcomes. The Branch offers members several scholarships, research grants and conference sponsorships to promote nursing excellence.Our strong and unified membership has enabled us to make a real difference to nursing and midwifery in Victoria. Nurse/midwife patient ratios, qualification allowances, ADOs, pay rises, professional development leave, study leave, maternity leave, no-lifting policies, improved occupational health and safety standards and night duty allowances are just some of the conditions that have been achieved for many nurses, midwives and carers because ANMF (Vic Branch) members have worked together to achieve them.ANMF (Vic Branch) also looks after individual members by providing industrial, professional and legal representation** as well as a range of exclusive benefits.