
Birth of the Young Sun Yule Christmas Yole Cover

Birth of the Young Sun Yule Christmas Yole

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2024年12月25日 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM

GMT +2.00



Labyrinthplatz Zürich, Kanonengasse, Цюрих, Швейцарія

18 Kanonengasse, 8004, Zürich, ZH, Switzerland



Birth of the Young Sun Yule Christmas Yole


We will plunge into the magic of the ancient world and our ancestors, it will be heartwarming and fun

We will celebrate one of the most important astronomical holidays of the year - Winter Solstice lasts for 3 days - the day does not grow, but it is not shrinking either - it's as if it hangs for 3 days. These are the darkest days of the year when the navies walk the world. 

On the 4th day on the sparrow's hop the day grows - and further it will grow and gain strength.  Kolyada (cf. Kolo-wheel; circle - the solar sign of the sun) was represented by our ancestors as a beautiful baby who was captured by the wicked witch Winter. Solstice is a magical time. In these days the Sun as if hangs for a couple of days - from that and Solstice. These are the days of transition of dark energies into light ones. 

Europeans also celebrated this holiday and on this day expected the rebirth of the King of Oak, the Sun King, the Giver of Life, who warmed the frozen earth, awakened life in the seeds that would be stored in its bosom for the whole long winter until the spring. 

Fires were lit in the fields, and crops and trees were blessed by drinking spiced cider. Children went from house to house with gifts of carnations, apples and oranges in baskets made of evergreen branches and wheat stalks sprinkled with flour. The apples and oranges represented the sun, the branches symbolized immortality, the wheat stalks represented the harvest, and the flour signified success, light and life.


  25 Dec 2023

  ⏱ Mon - 14:00-20:00


► ancient traditions

► Tea, hop drinks, delicious food and treats

► Folk festivities 

► Carols and games

▲ The strongest astronomical days of the year 


▲ Table with treats

▲ Aromatic herbal tea and hop drinks

▲ Pleasant socializing with old and new friends

▲ Soulful gatherings among conscious people

▲ A lot of new knowledge about the world order


  Telegram ➜ @Beloyara1


Labyrinthplatz Zürich

Cost Donation 💸

LANGUAGE: Eng (by master), Ge (translator)

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Labyrinthplatz Zürich, Kanonengasse, Цюрих, Швейцарія

18 Kanonengasse, 8004, Zürich, ZH, Switzerland


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