Banking & Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI) is the voice of banking and payments in Ireland. Representing over 120 domestic and international member institutions, we mobilise the sector’s collective resources and insights to deliver value and benefit to members, enabling them to build competitive sustainable businesses which support customers, the economy and society.Together with our affiliate organisations, the Fintech and Payments Association of Ireland (FPAI) and Federation of International Banks in Ireland (FIBI), we are the principal voice of banking, payments and fintech in Ireland.We advocate at a domestic and EU level on all issues impacting the operating environment for our membership, and work to promote an environment that is as supportive as possible for our membership to maintain and grow their operations in Ireland.Through the work of our Brussels and Frankfurt based offices, our active membership of the European Banking Federation and our well-established EU and international networks, we are well placed to represent Ireland’s banking and payments industry at an international level.