Brat x Sweat- Traffic Light Night - Sugarhouse's Week of Love 日期与时间2025年2月12日 11:00 PM 起
GMT +0.00
地点The Sugarhouse
The Sugarhouse, LA1 1NW, Lancaster, England, United Kingdom
活动门票Early Bird DiscountGBP 4 1 left0
General AdmissionGBP 5 Few Left0
Early Bird Discount & Q-JumpGBP 6 3 left0
Q-Jump & General EntryGBP 7 Few Left0
活动详情 Which colour are you in? ✨Brat x Sweat tunes all night and great drinks deals like "Lucky In Love", "Can't Decide" and "Sorry Your Single".
查看地图 The Sugarhouse
The Sugarhouse, LA1 1NW, Lancaster, England, United Kingdom
活动组织者 0 位关注者
The Sugarhouse is Lancaster’s #1 student destination, with student nights every Wednesday & Friday of term. We also hold amazing one off events with promoters from across the UK - check out our socials to find out more!
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活动门票 Early Bird DiscountGBP 4 1 left0
General AdmissionGBP 5 Few Left0
Early Bird Discount & Q-JumpGBP 6 3 left0
Q-Jump & General EntryGBP 7 Few Left0