I feel passionate about connecting people with their bodies and reminding people to listen to the deep wisdom that they hold.I welcome all ages and ask you to show up fully for yourself to whatever capacity you can at any given moment, to welcome all of yourself on to the mat and dive within. I invite you to meet your edge, this is where change can begin. Beneath layers of conditioning and story lies deep wisdom and through these practices we can tap into this depth of wisdom.Yoga is not about making a shape with your body, it is not about imposing on your body what your mind asks, or what an external source asks, it is about a deep inner listening and awareness of what is.https://yogawithhazel.com/events/I am passionate about creating spaces where we can feel the depth and breadth of this relational life embodying our relationship with both human and more than human and live in reciprocity. I have completed a grief ritual training with Francis Weller and am currently studying plant medicine and am training to be a rites of passage guide.
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