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The directors of Buy Local Norfolk all share the ambition to protect Norfolk’s beautiful communities and way of life in the most sustainable way possible…by providing a brand which is instantly recognisable and synonymous with a business that is truly local to Norfolk, and by spreading the buy local message to buyers, customers and visitors so each can make an immediate and informed choice as to whether or not they spend their money in a way which directly contributes towards supporting the Norfolk way of life.The local-ness of a business is of huge importance because the more local a business is to Norfolk the greater the real value of that business to our economy. Extensive research by the Federation of Small Businesses, Centre for Local Economic Studies (CLES), Mary Portas and New Economics Foundation has consistently confirmed what we already knew,local businesses keep money circulating within local economies, thus supporting in the most sustainable way possible; local jobs, local distinctiveness and ultimately, local decision making.Buy Local Norfolkis a membership organisation that has developed a yard-stick by which to effectively measure the ‘local-ness’ of any business. Those businesses which meet our unique criteria for ‘local-ness’ can, in return for a small membership fee, use our established and striking brand to proudly present themselves to consumers, customers and visitors as a business which is truly local to Norfolk.Buy Local Norfolkis a not-for-profit social enterprise which directs any money it makes back into raising the profile and purpose of the brand and its members to the wider community of Norfolk. At the core of buy local is a community of businesses that willingly choose to buy local thus fully playing their part in investing in Norfolk as a great place to live, work and play.Fundamentally the Norfolk economy has 4 primary incomes. These are:Government/welfareBusiness investmentTourismExport of goods and servicessOn the flip side, the Norfolk economy has 4 primary out-goings. These are:TaxationEnergy (utilities/broadband/phone)Supermarkets, national/international brands (Amazon, Ebay etc), Takeaways.Imported goods and services.We believe that with the will, and a lot of collaboration, we can increase some incomes anddecrease some outgoings just by all of us simply buying local as and when it is reasonably possible for us to do so. Every time money is spent with a locally based business it automatically contributes towards a more vibrant business community within Norfolk and creates more opportunities our young people, for new businesses to start up and for existing businessesto expand, and helps to protect those businesses who produce goods and deliver services which make Norfolk the unique and wonderful place it is.The 5 directors ofBuy Local Norfolkare all local business owners who,because they are proud to live and work in this beautiful county, give their time and expertise entirely FOC.