Our purpose is to support communities and planning authorities to work better together in shaping places.We work with local planning authorities to support approaches for thoughtful community engagement as part of a proactive planning process.We work with community and town councils to see the world from their perspective and explain the planning process, their role in it and what they can achieve.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ein diben yw cefnogi cymunedau ac awdurdodau cynllunio i weithio’n well gyda’i gilydd wrth lunio cynefinoedd.Rydym yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau cynllunio lleol i gefnogi dulliau o ymgysylltiad ystyrlon â chymunedau fel rhan o broses gynllunio rhagweithiol.Rydym yn gweithio â chynghorau cymuned a thref i weld y byd o’u persbectif hwy ac esbonio’r broses gynllunio, eu rôl ynddi a’r hyn y gallant eu gyflawni.