If you're a recent college graduate, young professional, or just someone looking to have some fun, Chicago 20 Something is your one stop shop for all things party in Chicago!We specialize in creating unique experiences to help you take full advantage of everything that Chicago has to offer, all with a drink in hand! We host the biggest and best events in the city for St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, New Year's Eve and more...not to mention the iconic Mustache Crawl that takes over the Wrigleyville neighborhood every summer.At Chicago 20 Something, we're all about giving Chicagoans the opportunity to create memories that last a lifetime with new and old friends at one of a kind events. Whether you're a born-and-bred Chicagoan or a newcomer to the city, our events provide the perfect opportunity to party it up with like-minded individuals and let loose in the notorious Chicago party scene.Join us as we experience the pulse of Chicago like never before.
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Super EarlyBird GA Tix w/ FREE T-Shirt & Breakfast $15.97Sold Out0
Early Bird GA Ticket w/ FREE T-Shirt & Breakfast $28.01Sold Out0
Pre-Sale GA Ticket w/ FREE T-Shirt & Breakfast $46.13Limited0
GA Ticket w/ FREE T-Shirt & Breakfast $98.88Limited0
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