The Chapter centers itself in the city of Edmonton and includes the surrounding communities of Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, Fort Saskatchewan and Leduc among others. Almost every nearby community has industrial parks and construction sites that employ many in the welding industry. Much of the welding fabrication work supports the oil and gas exploration and development projects taking place in Northern Alberta, along with structural fabrication for plant site modules and commercial buildings. Edmonton also has the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) offering engineering technology programs and apprenticeship training, the University of Alberta with the Canadian Centre of Welding and Joining, and Alberta Innovates Technology Futures (AITF).The Chapter has been in the region beginning with the Welding Institute of Canada (WIC) over thirty years ago and part of the CWB Association for nearly the past twenty years. We have over 5000 CWB Association members in the region. The growth of the CWB Association has been reflective within the Edmonton Chapter, and we intend to offer our members and non-members alike educational and networking opportunities. The Chapter plans on dinner meetings, usually at the University of Alberta Faculty Club monthly from September to May. We also like to have a site tour for either the fall or spring trying to avoid the early or late winter storms that are part of seasonal living in Edmonton! We also plan joint meetings with our fellow technical societies like AWS and ASM, among others, in hosting mutually interesting topics. We usually charge $35.00 for members and $45.00 for non-members.