
De Startup a Empresa: Construindo seu Ecossistema de Inovação com EDGY Cover

De Startup a Empresa: Construindo seu Ecossistema de Inovação com EDGY

Intersection Group Logo

Intersection Group

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2025年2月13日 7:30 PM 起

GMT -3.00



Impact Hub Floripa Primavera

4150 Rodovia José Carlos Daux, 88032-005, Saco Grande, SC, Brazil



Participe da 2ª Edição do Intersection Group Florianópolis no Impact Hub Primavera e descubra como navegar rumo a inovação empresarial.


Impact Hub Floripa Primavera

4150 Rodovia José Carlos Daux, 88032-005, Saco Grande, SC, Brazil


Intersection Group Logo

Intersection Group

0 位关注者

Intersection Group is a global community of people interested and invested in creating better enterprises. With our association we extend an open invitation to anyone who shares this challenge and ambition, rather than forming a traditional professional organisation: you don't have to call yourself an Enterprise Designer to join and contribute. Our members are working as designers and architects, analysts and advisors, founders and executives, investors and leaders, coaches and mentors, authors and researchers.Our members are engaged in co-creating publications and a set of coherent open source tools developed from practice, research and conversations. This EDGY Open Source Tool combines approaches from various disciplines such as Enterprise and Business Architecture, Service and Organisation Design, Brand Identity and Strategic Management, and makes them work together in a seamless approach for more coherent enterprises.Our work is adopted worldwide by enterprises and people who seek to change them, and enabled by learning products and software tools developed and delivered by our growing member network of practitioners, and our partners such as consultancies and vendors. We are a not for profit association registered in Vienna, Austria, and led by a global team of experienced practitioners.

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