Click here to subscribe to our text messages.The ASWA LLC is a professional wrestling organization sanctioned by the Ohio Athletic Commission and has been on the scene since 1989. This promotion has been featured in numerous magazines, newspapers, radio programs and TV shows throughout the years and has thrilled and excited every town and city it has ever made it's way to. All the fans who have ever attended an ASWA event have always enjoyed a night full of thrills, chills and bone crunching spills.The American States Wrestling Alliance has and will always hold true to the history and tradition of professional wrestling as well as keeping things fresh and current to entertain it's mass of fans.There have been many wrestling stars and legends that have graced the ASWA rings around the country. Everyone from home town heroes to some of the biggest names in PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING.If you ever have the chance to experience the excitement of an ASWA event, don't pass up the opportunity to enjoy a great night of fun and entertainment for the whole family.