
Family Constellations Workshops with Nic Johnson Cover

Family Constellations Workshops with Nic Johnson

Nic Johnson Logo

Nic Johnson

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2025年2月1日 9:30 AM 起

GMT +0.00



The Practice Rooms Stokes Croft, Upper York Street, Saint Paul's, Bristol, UK

34 Upper York Street, BS2 8QR, Saint Paul's, England, United Kingdom



The long winter months are not over yet and we still need to bring warmth of community and support for our hearts. Try a constellation!


The Practice Rooms Stokes Croft, Upper York Street, Saint Paul's, Bristol, UK

34 Upper York Street, BS2 8QR, Saint Paul's, England, United Kingdom


Nic Johnson Logo

Nic Johnson

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Hi there! I am Nic Johnson, I run Family Constellation Workshops in person and online. I live in Frome, Somerset and run workshops there and in The Practice Rooms in Stokescroft BristolI have been living and working with family constellations for the last 10 years, running workshops in Frome and the South West of the UK, deepening my practice and personal development as a facilitator.I started my working life as a pharmacist working for the NHS in Hospitals, Community Practice and more recently as a General Practice Support Pharmacist. Whilst working as a pharmacist I retrained as a homeopath because I felt a longing to connect more deeply with myself and others. Training as a homeopath partially fulfilled this need.I worked briefly as a homeopath and a pharmacist then I met Barbara Morgan at a Constellations Camp in the UK and experienced constellation work for the first time. It was a few years before I was persuaded to join her training and I spent a while going to workshops and doing my constellations – things began to shift and then I joined the training to facilitate family constellations myself. Now I am on track to be a trainer myself, I facilitate constellations on our training with up to 30 participants and run my workshops both online and in person as often as possible.Since my first training, I have been truly in love with the work. I have stopped working as a pharmacist and as a homoeopath. I have been travelling a lot in our campervan – working online as a facilitator and offering constellations whenever there is an interest.My own personal healing journey has involved Insight Mediation (Vipassana), Core Process Therapy and The Turning Point personal development series along with having two children and Family Constellation work.I am excited to meet you and begin our journey together making hidden dynamics in your own family visible with family constellations.

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